Look for the silver lining

Look for the silver lining

It is inevitable that at one time or the other you feel that situations in your life are overwhelming. Everyone goes through such times. What you do with those times is what determines the severity of the issues at hand. Choosing to believe that nothing good will ever come out of your life will make you depressed. But taking it in stride as just an occurrence of the day will calm your nerves.

For you to have hope, you must believe that there is a better tomorrow. Take time away from the issue at hand in order to get a clear perspective of it. When you get one thing to look forward to, the cloud that threatens to swallow you will disappear. There is nothing that you cannot overcome.



Peterson Kariuki

I am a film producer and a screen writer, a married father of three residing in Kenya. Im driven to empower the youth through trainings based on my teaching.